Monday, April 25, 2016

Starting Out

Hey everyone,  this is my first post and my first time blogging. Allow me to introduce myself and let you know what my goal for blogging is. I'm Janelle, a 28 yr old police officer and single mother to 3 yr old twin boys. I'm one of those people that has so many interests that its often hard to put everything in order and feel fulfilled. My mom refers to me as her "artsy" child but also as a "crazy little girl" (yes, I'm almost 30 but forever a little girl to mom). Let me give you an example of what I mean and why I take no offense to being called "crazy" or "scatterbrained" to people who don't understand my mind. I am a police officer who is a photographer who paints faces who plays the cello who went to school for three years while double majoring in "Photojournalism" and "Spanish Education" only to switch schools at the start of my fourth year to get a degree in "Theology". There's a lot more to add to the list, but you get the picture. I've always had so many interests pulling me in so many directions that it's been hard to focus and actually lay down a path in life. Im on a journey now to find my path, build a solid foundation to my future  and help as many people as I can along the way.

Back in high school I started to feel like there was something bigger for me to do than to just live life. I didn't really acknowledge it then, but the feeling has been growing ever since and getting stronger. In college I started to acknowledge it's presence making a sudden, drastic switch in schools and concentration. I started laying the framework for a non profit organization called "Rich Girls", to help girls and women build better self esteem.  I even got a degree from a theological college in "Urban Ministry Leadership". But, for some reason I never pushed pass the degree and aside from some seminars, never made my vision come to life. Every time life started to get busy for me I allowed myself to get distracted from my goals. Well, it  still feels like I'm always busy but I have big aspirations and I've decided that it's time to stop dreaming about what I want and start making it happen. I cant let life's distractions stop me anymore. I want to build a business that helps people and make my business a household name. That's what this blog is for. I wanna share my journey to with you. Every accomplishment and setback. All of my frustrations, my happy  and random moments, and give words of encouragement to my readers along the way. Life's tough, but we're never as alone as we think we are. My mission is to let as many people know that as I possible can. Hopefully, that this blog will reach those who need it and those who I need as well. That's it for now,Thanks for stopping by.

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